Friday, December 17, 2010

An Exciting Endeavor

Welcome to Reading Between the Wars! While reading a post on Our Mutual Read this week I thought it would be a fascinating exercise to apply the same group reading project experience to Inter-War literature and history. I've recently become intrigued and curious about this time period while reading the novels and biography of Jean Rhys and realized that I hadn't read very many novels from this era. I am inviting my fellow book bloggers to join me in 2011 and beyond in discovering this exciting time in literature and world history. Please spread the word and let other readers know!


  1. A wonderful idea. There is so much wonderful writing from the years between the wars, but it maybe isn't considered as a period in the same way that certain others. Lots of wonderful possibilities. The first names coming to mind are Winifred Holtby, Rosamond Lehmann and Somerset Maugham, and there are many others. lots of wonderful books to be discovered I'm sure.

  2. I'd love to know what your plans are for this. It sounds like a really interesting project and a time period I haven't really considered in a reading scope, but would definitely think of.
